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Ngobrol Seru dengan Teman di Sekolah: Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang di Sekolah

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Halo teman-teman! Kali ini kita akan membahas tentang percakapan bahasa Inggris antara 2 orang di sekolah. Buat kamu yang masih bingung atau ingin lebih mematangkan kemampuan bahasa Inggrismu, artikel ini cocok banget buat kamu. Yuk simak!

1. Apa Saja yang Harus Dipersiapkan?

Sebelum memulai percakapan bahasa Inggris, persiapan menjadi hal yang penting. Hal yang perlu dilakukan adalah:

  • Mengenali dan memperluas kosakata bahasa Inggris
  • Berlatih memahami tata bahasa bahasa Inggris
  • Menyiapkan beberapa topik pembicaraan yang menarik

2. Pertemuan Pertama

Sarah: Hi, I’m Sarah. What’s your name?

David: Hi, I’m David. Nice to meet you.

Sarah: Nice to meet you too. What class are you in?

David: I’m in class 10A. How about you?

Sarah: I’m in class 10B. So, do you like our school?

David: Yes, I do. The facilities are great and the teachers are nice. How about you?

Sarah: Yeah, I love the school too. I think our school is one of the best schools in town.

3. Obrolan di Kantin

Sarah: Hey David, do you want to grab some lunch together?

David: Sure, where do you want to go?

Sarah: Let’s go to the cafeteria. They have a lot of choices there.

David: Sounds good to me. I think I’ll grab a burger.

Sarah: I think I’ll have a sandwich. So, how do you like the school food?

David: I think it’s pretty good. What about you?

Sarah: Yeah, me too. But sometimes I bring my own food from home.

David: That’s a good idea. I should start doing that too.

4. Kegiatan Setelah Sekolah

David: Hey Sarah, what are you doing after school?

Sarah: I don’t have any plans yet. Why?

David: Do you want to join me and some friends to watch a movie?

Sarah: That sounds great! What movie are you guys planning to watch?

David: We haven’t decided yet. Do you want to suggest anything?

Sarah: How about we watch the latest horror movie that just came out?

David: Horror movie? Are you sure? I’m not really into horror movies.

Sarah: Oh come on, it’ll be fun! Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.

David: Haha, okay, I trust you.

5. Belajar Bersama

Sarah: Hey David, do you want to study together for the upcoming exam?

David: Yes, that’s a great idea. When do you want to start?

Sarah: How about tomorrow after school? We can study at the library.

David: Alright, I’ll see you there.

Sarah: By the way, what subject do you need help with?

David: I need help with math. What about you?

Sarah: I need help with English. So, we can help each other out.

6. Kembali ke Rumah

David: Hey Sarah, do you need a ride home?

Sarah: Yes, that would be great. Thank you.

David: No problem. So, how was your first day of school?

Sarah: It was great! I met a lot of new friends and the teachers are nice.

David: That’s good to hear. I’m glad you’re enjoying your time here.

7. Kesimpulan

Itulah beberapa contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris antara 2 orang di sekolah. Jangan takut untuk berlatih dan terus memperbaiki kemampuan bahasa Inggrismu. Semoga artikel ini dapat membantu dan memberikan manfaat untuk kamu. See you on the next article!
